On February 16 the Sixth Grade had a very special speaker for Black History Month. One of our very own Warrior parent, Ms. Sheereen Bhayat, Sana’s mom. Sixth Grade has been studying about the Apartheid in South Africa and the great leader, Nelson Mandela. Sana’ s mom grew up living in South Africa during the Apartheid.
Ms Bhayat gave us first hand experience on how life was for people of colored during this time period. We thank her for her her awesome and informative lecture. Our class also found out that freedom always has a cost, but God is always there for us. Hope, Faith, and Peace will prevail. As we go through our Lenten season, let us remember we are all God’ children. Each one of us with differences. Let’s embrace those differences and join together to make peace in our lives. To quote Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world.”