Dear OLMC Family,

The next meeting for our upcoming Winter Carnival (Friday Feb 4- Sunday Feb 6) will be in person and on zoom on Wednesday Dec 1st at 6:30 pm.

For those interested, please call or email me to sign up for the following committees (can sign up for more than one).

1.  Advertising and ticket sales2.  Soliciting donations from local businesses or individuals

3.  Organizing carnival games and activities and helping to run booths

4.  Silent auction – running as well as seeking donations

5.  Store – selling warm winter items with OLMC logo

6.  Food vendors – working with different vendors  and finding the best prices

7.  Sanitation

8.  Set up and clean up

9.  Finance – handling cost and profit

Also, we are excited to have each class come up with their own idea for a game that will be present at the carnival.  We will be in touch with the Class Parents to help with this part of the planning.

Please reach out to me to sign up for a committee. Also, any questions, please feel free to contact me.Diane Triolo
cell 201-450-0855