Dear OLMC Parents and Staff,

As the weeks of mandated social distancing, virtual learning and being in quarantine have turned into months many people are starting to feel more confined and irritable. I wanted to share with some ways to combat going “stir crazy” and help you cope during this time. Self-care is so important, I can’t stress this enough.

Ms. Jaime Kagan-Heit

(Many of the below ideas can be shared with your children)

  1. Exercise your mind and body – this can be as simple as taking a daily walk to doing an online workout class. There are a number of great sites to help with meditation – the New York Times has a helpful guide for beginners  Mindfulness is so important and there are simple ideas to start incorporating into your everyday life.
  2. Do something spontaneous – surprise the family with a dance party or slide show of your favorite family pictures. Set up a scavenger hunt or just call a friend for no reason.
  3. Complete a project – we all have a to-do list a mile long so use this time to start checking off some items. Organize a closet or de-clutter the pantry. I have seen many neighbors cleaning up yards and starting to plant outside. We all know how satisfying it is to work things off a list.
  4. Make quiet time – this can happen by taking a bath or journaling. Some like to escape in a book or even take a little nap.  Our bodies need time to decompress and separate from the over stimulation of noise, screens and chaos we all encounter in our daily lives.
  5. Embrace a hobby – partake in something you really just want to do.  This can be a new hobby or one you just didn’t have time for in the past. There are many ‘how to’ tutorials online and plenty of other resources to help you get started.  It’s usually good to do something with your hands like knitting, cooking, puzzles, beading or coloring. It doesn’t have to be complicated or intense. Just doing it for the fun of it should be the goal.  You can try and
  6. Participate in therapy – most doctors and therapists are offering videoconferencing as an option for patients, during what is a highly anxious and isolating time for many.  Others may feel time with a friend on the phone or a video chat does the job.  Make sure to check in on your own mental health.
  7. Spend time with your pet – animals are often used to help people find happiness. They have a “mood boosting” power. If you don’t have a pet of your own to play with try going outside and watching the wildlife.  Birds and chipmunks are pretty cute.
  8. Enjoy the great outdoors – spring is here and summer is soon approaching so make sure to get outside and explore.  Fresh air (and vitamin D) does a body good. Leaving the walls of your home behind can be freeing.
  9. Schedule playtime – this goes for kids and grown-ups. Partake in something that makes you happy. This can mean watching reality TV, playing a video game or trying a new recipe, it all works. Maybe try something your child likes to do like using chalk or playing Candyland.  Good old fun can absolutely raise our spirits.
  10. Remember you are not alone – these tips are about self care but remember “it takes a village.” By nature, humans are social beings so communicate with others and share your feelings. Having a conversation with a family member or a call with friends can help not only you but them as well.  We are all in this together – remember to lean on each other and ask for help when you need it.

Please continue to reach out to me with any questions or concerns –

Ms. Jaime Kagan-Heit