March 11, 2020


Dear Families,
In response to the issues concerning the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and in an over abundance of caution we are making some changes to upcoming events.
First, tonight’s parents only Art Show is still on. We will provide hand sanitizing at the entrance of the theatre. Second, the Friday premiere of the Fall Drama, will continue as planned at 7:30PM. Programs will not be handed out, rather they will be present on chairs in the auditorium and there will be no snack bar service, again hand sanitizing stations will be present at the entrance of the theatre. Since Sunday’s performance is geared to the surrounding Parish and local community we will postponed the Sunday, March 15th 2PM Matinee and it will take place during school hours for students only, and streamed live on Facebook Live on our social media page.
Lastly, the Grade 5 field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art scheduled for March 24, 2020 is cancelled. We have reached out to the Museum and are awaiting their response concerning refunds.
As always we will keep you posted via our email alert system and the Academy newsletter should anything change and as always, thank you for your commitment to our kids!

Please click HERE to read an important message from the Archdiocese of Newark Schools Office.

Below are three web sites that will be helpful for you in gathering up-to-date information regarding the Novel Coronavirus. bergen.njus departments and services/about-health-services 


Ms. Verdonck, Interim Principal