October 11, 2022

Dear OLMC Families,

Ms. Barbara Verdonck, Principal

What a great first month of school!!! It was great to welcome back all our students and finally get to see all our parents at our Back to Academy Night. It was nice to see so many families and to spend some time catching up and hearing about your summer and the transition back to school. Our students and teachers have all settled into their daily routines and are well into the academic rigor that our curriculum supports.

A few reminders and Updates:

Drop Off and Dismissal: Please be mindful when in our parking lot. A BIG thank you to all who are following our Stop Drop and Go protocol in the morning. I understand that some like to park their cars and then walk their child to the door, but this sometimes causes problems when you are crossing the line of cars who are dropping off their children.

The biggest problem is at dismissal. We have parents who are “whizzing by” when leaving the lot. Once again, please be mindful of the children (and parents) who are walking to their cars. Once your child is dismissed, we ask you to leave the area so the rest of the students can dismiss in a timely manner. We are looking into an alternative dismissal policy. I will be meeting with some parents and hopefully a new system can be put into place soon. In the meantime, I ask that you are extra cautious when leaving the parking lot.

Lateness: The first few weeks of school were fine, but now there are quite a few latenesses. Please be mindful that this is a disruption to the class when students enter the classroom after the morning bell.

Picture Day: Individual pictures (Grades PK3 – 7) will take place on Friday, October 14th. Students may “dress up” or wear their school uniform. Order forms were sent home with your child. Class Pictures will be taken on Friday, October 21st. All students (Grades PK3 – 8) should wear their formal uniform.

Parent Teacher Conferences: You should have received an email and a link for Sign Up Genius to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

Warrior Weekly/Update: Home and school communication is very important. Please remember that the Warrior Weekly (Sunday) and the Warrior Update (Wednesday) are our main sources of communication. If you are not receiving these newsletters, please sign up for them on our website.

We truly appreciate your ongoing support and believe that by working together we can create the best possible environment that allows students to achieve success.

We are all looking forward to our upcoming October events. Hopefully you will be able to join us!!

As always, please contact the school with any questions or concerns.


Ms. Verdonck

Check Out Some of the Events We’ve Accomplished So Far!