Dear OLMC Families,

Can you believe it – it is our last day of school and what a year it has been!!!! First I want to once again congratulate all our graduates –  PK3, PK4, Kindergarten and a special congratulations to our 8th gr students. Our virtual graduations were surely one for the history books!!! We are so proud of all of you. Also, our 5th grade students will have their Moving Up Ceremony so congratulations to them as well.

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Thank you to all who participated in our drop-off/pick-up days. It is important for us to have you return all our books so we can get ready for next year. If you haven’t returned the books or picked up your personal belongings please contact the school office as soon as possible.

All students will have some summer work to complete. The work will be posted on our school webpage. Please make sure your child is doing the work for the grade he/she is entering for the 2020-2021 academic year. So for example – if you will be entering the 5th grade next year then you should be looking at the work for the 5th grade. Supply list for the upcoming school year will be available on the class webpage in late July or early August. Hopefully by then we will have a better idea of how we will be opening school in September and what is needed for the beginning of the year.

This year you will be able to view your child’s final report card on PowerSchool. Report cards will not be mailed home.

If you ordered lunch for March and/or April and you are returning to school for the 2020-2021 school year, then your money will be credited for next year. If you are not returning, then a check in the amount you paid will be mailed to you.

I am so proud of everyone for their efforts to make distance learning work for our students. It took great dedication on everyone’s part to make this happen – teachers, students, parents, and administration. We are truly a family who comes together in times of need. We are Warriors indeed! In the next few weeks I will be sending you an email containing a brief survey about our distance learning. Please complete and return the survey so we can get a better idea of our strengths and the area we need to improve.

I know many of you have questions concerning the 2020-2021 academic year. Right now, we do not have all the answers but are working diligently on plans for reopening. There are so many scenarios and they change often. Please know we will work by the directives of the CDC, the governor and the Archdiocese Schools Office. I will keep you posted throughout the summer as plans start to finalize.

Starting July 1st, the school office will be open Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00AM until 2:00PM.

When I spoke to the 8th grade students at their virtual graduation ceremony I told them a little about one of my favorite books, The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Pausch says, “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” We were all dealt with by what some would say was a difficult hand of cards. But together we took the time to study them and make the favorable choices to help us win in this game of life. We did this together and I thank you for your patience, your support and your words of encouragement.

On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, I say thank you for an unforgettable year. Have a great summer everyone. Stay safe and enjoy life to the fullest.

Go Warriors!