Dear OLMC Families and Friends,

 Once again we prepare to celebrate the goodness of God made manifest in the gift of His son, Jesus. We at OLMC have much for which to be thankful. As we go about our days preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, may we remember to pause the ‘hectic-ness’ of our days and quietly reflect on our many blessings. I count each of you among my many blessings this Christmas as I grow closer to each student and family. Thank you for being a crucial part of the OLMC family. It is an honor to be part of this amazing, supportive community each day.

Miss Koval, OLMC Principal

As we move forward into a new year, we join hands as we continue to work together to advance the mission of OLMC, knowing that, like Mary, miracles can be accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. May 2019 hold many blessings for each of you and may OLMC grow and flourish as we continue to work together to provide a nourishing learning environment for our children.

Please accept my sincere wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a blessed, Happy New Year!

May God Bless you today and always,

Miss Kelly Koval