Dear Students and Families of OLMC,

Amazing, here we are at the end of January already! At the rate time is moving, June will be upon us in the blink of an eye.  We have had a great start to 2018 and look forward to many more exciting months of Leading, Learning, Laughing and Loving…OLMC is the place to be if you want to be a special part of these 4 L’s!  Let’s continue to walk and work together, help one another, and reach out to our neighbors near and far.  Thanks for all that you have been and done for OLMC during 2017 and cheers to a great 2018!


My heartfelt thanks to each of you for your thoughtfulness during the Advent, Christmas, and New Years.  I am truly blessed to have you think of me with kind wishes, lovely greeting cards, thoughtful gifts along with mementos and gift cards for something special.  Thank you so very much for thinking of me. A BIG thanks from the office staff for all of the goodies, photo cards, smiles, and holiday cheer.  Most of all, thank you for the gift of your children.  They are the true gifts of the season and bring joy and happiness to us every single day at the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. May God Bless you in this new year and Always!


The Academy has been making great strides in the area of Mathematics this year.  We have welcomed Ms. Barbara Verdonck to our phenomenal team to be a resource to our students and staff.  This year her efforts align with our Math goals providing small group instruction, Skills and Drills classes, advanced mathematics groups, motivational strategies, and so much more!  We are blessed to have Ms. V. at OLMC!  A great evening was enjoyed by all who attended our recent Mathnasium night.  There was something for every level of expertise and a few challenges along the way.  It was a delightful evening of fun and learning yet a workout for the mathematical side of our brains.  We are very grateful to MATHNASIUM of ENGLEWOOD who sponsored the evening, treating us to this innovative approach to sharpening Math skills as well as feeding us. Thank you to the wonderful volunteers from AHA  and many thanks to all of you who attended this fun-filled evening.  We hope to repeat this type of evening in the future.


Another recent event was our “Power of One” assembly program where grade appropriate conversation, demonstration, and participation were provided by the Power of One Sketch Tour an effort to assist students in building self-esteem, confidence and an understanding of how to stop bullying, which is so contrary to our beliefs and so hurtful to others.  Warriors pledged to each use their individual “Power of One” to stem the spread of bully activity – if they see something, they are pledging to say something to the proper adult who can then provide guidance and help to handle bullying behavior appropriately.  Standing up to the person who resorts to bullying tactics is the best way to end this behavior and each of us has the ‘power’ within to seek help for ourselves and others.  Let’s continue to say our “Power of One” pledge regularly and have these words take root in our hearts and then use these words as our blueprint for action.  Thank you to each of our Warriors for their attention and participation in this important assembly.


This year’s national theme for CSW is “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed”.  We celebrate the faith life of our young people coupled with academic knowledge and service to others as expressed and emphasized throughout the activities of Catholic Schools’ Week from January 28th through February 3rd 2018. Our OLMC celebration of Catholic Schools Week 2018 got off to a great start on Sunday, January 28th with attendance at Mass and the parish coffee and…following the Mass it was great to see everyone who came out to kick off our celebration of our great Catholic School – OLMC! Each day of the week has a special theme or event to showcase why we are so proud of being a great example of what Catholic Schools represent across our nation.  This annual event across the country allows for those who attend Catholic schools to celebrate their good fortune, and for those who do not attend to come take a look and see what they might be missing.

One of the highlights of our celebration of CSW  is the naming of our Outstanding Catholic School Graduate 2018…we are pleased to have Justin T. Del Valle as our OLMC Outstanding Catholic School Graduate as he is a great example of all that a Catholic elementary school graduate is and should be.  Thank you Justin for providing each of us with a great example of this year’s theme of Learning, Serving, Leading, and Succeeding.

The week’s activities have been posted on our website so that all may celebrate with us!


These events are listed on our weekly calendar and reminders also appear in our bi-weekly communication that summarizes all that is and will be happening at OLMC…it’s a jumping place so be sure to mark your personal calendar so you do not miss any of our upcoming activities & events.

  • MARDI GRAS, our winter fundraiser is scheduled for February 9th at 7 pm  We look forward to seeing you there
  • Our ANNUAL PEP RALLY is part of our CSW festivities and takes place on Friday, Feb. 2nd at 6:30 pm  Plan to come decked out in Warrior Navy Blue & Gold and be ready for fun, excitement, games and prizes!
  • ASH WEDNESDAY, the beginning of our holy season of LENT is on FEBRUARY 14th this year as Easter is early April, 1st!