Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Another school year in the books! As the 2021-2022 academic school year comes to a close, I want to personally thank you for everything that you have done to help us help your children get through another successful year. I appreciate your trust in us to always have your child’s safety first in our minds. We made it through the year as once again we had everyone’s support, understanding and adaptability. This included not only the parents, but the faculty, staff, and most importantly – our students.

I want to say a BIG thank you to our teachers for their outstanding efforts in their classrooms. There were days I wondered how they were able to keep it together, but with the support and camaraderie they shared, they kept the daily routine in place and worked to get the best out of each of their students. They truly believe in our mission to teach as Jesus did – serving all the children in their care.

We are already looking forward to the 2022- 2023 academic school year as we prepare to bring back some of our favorite programs and extracurricular activities. I look forward to building our OLMC community – one of the true hallmarks of a Catholic school.

I pray that we all take some time this summer to relax and renew ourselves spiritually and physically.The partnerships that you have formed with our school are a visible sign of your strong commitment to Catholic school education and a gift to your child.

Have a wonderful summer!

Stay safe, Warriors!!

Ms Verdonck
