Dear OLMC Families,

Ms. Barbara Verdonck

As the 2020-2021 school year comes to a close, I want to personally thank you for everything that you have done to help us help your children get through this year. I know at times it has been tremendously difficult for all of you. You have given so much to help us keep going. I appreciate your trust in us to always have your child’s safety first in our minds. We made it through this year together only because of everyone’s support, understanding, and adaptability. Thank you!

Much of the success in the classroom should be attributed to the outstanding efforts of our teachers who have instructed in person and virtual learners simultaneously for nearly 180 days. Teaching this way requires tremendous preparation and elevated focus – all day – every day! I know our teachers are exhausted but they have maintained their efforts because they deeply believe in their mission to teach as Jesus did – serving all the children in their care.

We are already looking forward to a better year next year and have started planning to make that happen. Although plans can change, at this time ALL students enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year are expected to attend school in-person. This will be a blessing to our students as there is no question that students learn best in the classroom. The interaction among the teachers and the students is a critical part of the development of a child. Also, one of the hallmarks of a Catholic school is its ability to build community, and our school community has missed having all our students with us.

Although we do not know the specific expectations that schools will face in the 2021-2022 school year, we do know that we will continue to implement the measures we have taken to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and we will follow the guidance of the CDC and the Archdiocese of Newark. As plans are finalized, they will be shared with our families.

I am happy to announce that for the 2021-2022 school year Art will be a part of our curriculum for the entire school year. We welcome back Mr A who will be in the school for optional instrumental music and are excited to resume our Theater Arts program. So many exciting things to come!!!

Along with all of this work, I pray that all of our teachers, staff and school families will take the time to relax and renew themselves spiritually and physically.  It will be good to spend time with family and friends and to thank God for the blessings we have all received.

I pray that you and your families have a wonderful summer.  The partnerships that you have formed with our school is a visible sign of your strong commitment to Catholic school education and a gift to your child.

Stay safe!

Ms Verdonck
