February 10, 2021

Dear Parents,

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Just a simple reminder that your re-registration paperwork is due this Friday, February 12, 2021. Starting Monday, February 22nd, we will be accepting new registrations. We already have many inquiries for next year so please send in your paperwork to guarantee a seat for your child(ren).

Also, another reminder that students who are in-person learners cannot be remote learners on any given day. Students are either enrolled as remote learners or as in school learners. The office staff needs to have an accurate count of who is in the building at all times. It also becomes difficult for teachers when students just show up remotely one day. Both the student and the teacher are not prepared for this and getting the child the work for the day takes precious time away from the rest of the students.

If you are traveling during our winter break, I urge you to call the school office immediately. Please be reminded that your child must quarantine for 14 days after you return home. For the sake of our entire school community, I ask you to be honest with your travel plans. School will reopen after the winter break on Monday, February 22, 2021.

MAPGrowth scores will be sent home after the winter break. Scores for our virtual learners will be mailed home.

Thank you so much for all your support throughout these trying times. I know it is difficult for all of us. The many emails and letters of support have been uplifting. Thanks again.

Stay safe,

Ms Verdonck
