January 3, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Happy New Year!!!!

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Another year in the books and what a year it was! We hear of all the negative things that happened in 2020, but I am choosing to look at the positives and always look at the past with the intent to use what I learned and then move forward. Therefore, moving forward……..

AfterCare: It is our intent to open our After Care Program beginning January 11, 2021. Since we need to set up the space for this program, I need to know approximately how many students will be using this program on a regular basis. Students will be socially distanced and everyone must wear their masks at all times with the exception of snack time. A letter was sent out before the Christmas break asking you to let me know if you are planning to use this program on a regular basis. If you did not reply yet, please send me an email (bverdonck@nullacademyolmc.org) letting me know your child(ren) will be joining us. Making sure we are ready for your child is very important in preparing for the safety of all. If we do not have enough students using the program then we will not be able to offer this service.

MapGrowth: The winter session of MAPGrowth is scheduled to begin the week of January 25th. A schedule will be sent out in mid-January. ALL STUDENTS (Grades 2 – 8) will be taking this test. Information on setting up your electronic devices will be emailed to parents of all virtual learners. It is important that your device is ready for testing. If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. O’Farrill (nofarrill@nullacademyolmc.org).

Catholic Schools Week: Catholic Schools Week is January 31 – February 6th. The theme this year is: Catholic Schools – Faith. Excellence. Service. The benefits of a Cathoic education have been studied and well-documented. Results show that students who attend Catholic schools receive a challenging, high quality academic experience in a supportive environment, with an emphasis on Catholic values. The self-discipline developed by our students, along with learning to accept responsibility and to respect others, work together to create excellent life-long learners. Look for updates on CSW in mid January.

Re-Registration: Information and dates for re-registration will be sent out in late January.

PreK-3: Our PreK-3 room is getting a makeover! We are excited to announce that our PreK3 classroom is in the process of getting a long overdue new look. The new classroom will feature a hands-on approach to learning coupled with the faith and values we cherish at OLMC. Please help us spread the word about this “new” and exciting program!!! Check our website as we post pictures of the process.


  • The week of January 4th – 8th all students will be virtual learners.
  • It is important for students to log into their google classroom on time. If students are not in their homeroom at their designated time, then they will be marked late.
  • Students should be present for every class. Cameras need to be turned on and the student’s face must be visible to the teacher.
  • It is our hope that in-person/virtual learning will begin once again on January 11th.

Though we all have had to make adjustments in 2020 and are acclimating to the new normal, let’s look ahead to the exciting things that await us. Sometimes it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I know together our lights will shine!

Here’s to looking forward to 2021!!

Stay safe Warriors!!

Ms Verodnck