November 13, 2020

Dear OLMC Families:

Ms. Barbara Verdonck

As we head into the holiday season I would like to provide you with a few updates:

  1. In regards to protocol for reporting COVID related issues….
    • All emails or calls should come directly to me. If you call the school, please ask to speak with me or email me directly at
    • Please continue to make the right choices in regards to keeping your child(ren) home when they are not feeling well. As flu season approaches, we will probably experience many children with cold and/or flu-like symptoms. Please keep your child(ren) home if they are experiencing any of these symptoms.
  2. I’ve noticed that there are some parents and students gathering in the North Parking lot after dismissal. This goes against our policy in regards to keeping cohorts separate and keeping our students and staff safe. Please leave the school grounds immediately after dismissal.
  3. Please be reminded that New Street is for exit only. For the safety of all, please do not enter the North Parking Lot from New Street.
  4. Please make sure all virtual students have their cameras on and the teacher is able to see their face. Students must make sure they are visible to the teacher. Cameras should be on at all times.
  5. If your child is absent due to illness then they are not a virtual student for that day. They should be home resting. You can email the teacher for work, but they should not be attending classes.
  6. At this time we need to be extra cautious; therefore, with positive COVID cases rising in NJ and families traveling during the holiday season, please know we are thinking about doing a week of all remote learning after Thanksgiving (November 30th – December 4th) to make sure the students and staff within our school community are safe. We will let you know of our final decision asap. Please remember, if you are traveling outside the state you need to notify the school and quarantine for 14 days.
  7. We are also thinking about doing two weeks of all remote learning for students after the Christmas break. Once again, this is in taking extra precautions for all students and staff. If we decide to follow this protocol, we would return to in-person/virtual learning on Monday, January 18th. We will let you know of our final decision asap.
  8. Thank you to all the families who completed the google form in regards to virtual vs in-person learning for the 2nd trimester. We will do our best to accommodate all requests based on the guidelines for the NJ Department of Education, CDC, and the Archdiocese of Newark. Please know that learning as it is today may be different in January.
  9. Community Service  (Please see school website for more details)
    • Grades 6 – 8 Making sandwiches
    • Grades PK – 5 Food Drive
    • School Wide Turkey Drive

Thank you for your continued support of OLMC and our community!

On behalf of the faculty and staff, I wish all our families a safe, and blessed Thanksgiving.


Ms Verdonck