Dear OLMC Families,

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

I hope this message finds you well and you are enjoying these hot summer days. Here at the Academy, we have been very busy. Plans for our reopening are in the works. A Task Force has been put together and we have been meeting regularly to come up with plans that follow CDC guidelines as well as those suggested by The Archdiocese. Thank you to all who took part in our recent survey. Your responses were very helpful in our planning process. Our teachers have been busy as well. Many of them have registered for Professional Development classes in regards to Social Emotional Learning, Remote Learning, Teaching Through the Coronavirus and Teaching For Justice. As a faculty we will share our experiences to help with this transition and make it the best learning opportunity possible. Please know that the health and welfare of all involved is first and foremost in our planning.

Our plan has to be submitted to the Archdiocese no later than July 31st. Once approved, we will send this information to our families.
I ask for your continued support and patience during these trying times. We are in this together and together we will come out ahead!
Stay safe Warriors!
Ms Verdonck