Early in the new year, after the buzz of the Christmas Season we will be holding elections for our Parents’ Guild Executive Board! As it is written in our By-Laws, “all members-in-good-standing for the purposes of voting eligibility must be paid in full for that year (tuition and membership fee)” and “all parents and legal guardians of pupils attending the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel shall be members.” In short, all parents can vote for the Executive Board. So how does it work?

If you, as a member of the Parents Guild are interested in serving in one of the Executive Board positions all you need to do is submit your name to Interim Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck at bverdonck@nullacademyolmc.org or if you as a member of the Parents Guild would like to nominate someone you may do so by e-mailing the name of the nominee to Ms. Verdonck.

Once we have a list of nominees, they will fill out a brief questionnaire so voting members could get to know them and then afterwards, a secure, online vote will take place before April 1st. Should a position go uncontested the nominee will have to be approved by Interim Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck.

If you have any questions or would like to nominate, or self-nominate, please reach out to Ms. Verdonck.