Believe it or not we are planning for next year already. The treetops are turning green, the days are becoming longer and that signals its time to get planning and we need you!

This is our last call for any parents who would like to nominate themselves or another OLMC parent to step up and help lead our Parents’ Guild in the upcoming 2020/2021 academic year! Also, we are now accepting volunteers to become Class Parents for the 2020-2021 academic year.

If these times apart have taught us anything it is that we need community for our kids, faculty and families, more than ever! Please consider becoming a class parent or executive member of the Parents Guild by sending an email to Ms. Verdonck or Mr. Guerra today! Remember volunteering to be a Class Parent doesn’t immideatley make you one, you’ll be assigned but let’s get the converation started! Thanks OLMC parents!