Of the many special things the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has to offer is how many opportunities parents have to get involved in their child’s educational and social experience. Whether you’re a full-time working parent or not, OLMC has  In this monthly series, Parent Profiles, we’re getting to know some of our all-star Warrior parents to learn a little about them and maybe inspire you to get involved! This month we hear from Ms. Brandi Simpkins, teaching artist, small business owner and mother of three Warriors!

What grade(s) is your child(ren) in?

I have 3 boys, one in kindergarten, one in 5th grade and my oldest in 8th grade.

What is your profession outside of OLMC?

I am an art teacher, as well as co-owner of a children’s store in Englewood Cliffs, Happy Hello.

How did you get started?

I used to own an indoor play space in Englewood, Cutie Patties. After the birth of my third son, I decided to close because I soon realized that three is A LOT more than two. I began teaching my art classes, that I had previously run through the space, in satellite locations throughout Bergen County. Also while owning the play space,I met a fellow mother who owned an online clothing store. After I closed, she and I decided to partner and open our new venture, Happy Hello. We took my small business experience and her knowledge of children’s clothing and created a new brand that we both LOVE.

What’s the most rewarding part of volunteering at OLMC?

Getting to see my children in action throughout the day.

Why should others get involved?

It is truly rewarding and allows you to have a voice and some input in the experience that your children have while at OLMC.

Is there a funny, interesting incident or story that happened while volunteering at OLMC?

I tell this story all of the time… One of the jobs of PG (Parents’ Guild) ends up being rummaging through the lost and found and trying to get the items with names back to the kids that lost them. While we were going through the pile, I saw of all things, a number of coats! I made the comment “How can a kid leave their coats in school? Don’t they realize that they are cold when they go to leave?” Implying that it was the most ridiculous thing ever. And of course the next TWO coats that I pulled out of the pile belonged to my oldest and my youngest (who didn’t even go to the school at that time!)  Who’s kids lose their coats at school…MINE!

What would you say to the parent who feels they don’t have time or they are on the fence about volunteering?

Every little bit helps. It could mean being a class parent that sends weekly reminders to your class by e-mail, sending in items on a sign-up genius, donating items that can be included in a raffle basket, sponsoring a teacher to an event, offering suggestions or best practices from a previous school or participating in SCRIP. There are so many ways that each of us can lend a hand, you just have to find the one or FEW ways that fit you!