Wow! This news is truly “out-of-this world!” OLMC assistant to the principal, everyone’s favorite office team member, Ms. Eileen Walsh is heading into outer space! Literally! With all this talk in the news of billionaires and celebrities heading into space we were surprised to find out that Ms. Walsh is blasting off this spring! The faculty and staff couldn’t be more thrilled! “I’m so happy for her, this is such great news!” Grade 2 teacher Ms. Rivera-Perez said. “This is the kind of science experience we need more of!” Exclaimed LabLearner science teacher Ms. Edelmann. While Ms. Walsh begins her training, not everyone is so excited for her. “I’m so jealous.” Ms. Torres, our kindergarten teacher began. “I would love to go to space!” When pressed for comment, middle school Social Studies and Health teacher, Mr. Leary was visibly angry. “I tried out for the program, but didn’t make the cut!” Oh well, make sure to wish Ms. Walsh the best of luck on her journey oh, and before we forget APRIL FOOLS!