Dear OLMC Community,

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

During the past year and a half we have been working hard on the re-accreditation process for our school through the Middle States Association (MSA). The MSA is a worldwide leader in accreditation and school improvement. For over 25 years, Middle States has been helping school leaders establish and reach their goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement.

The process began with a self study which required input from a coalition of school leaders, teachers, parents, various stakeholders, and students. Following the submission of our self-study, a team of volunteer educators from Middle States accredited schools conducted a three day virtual visit of our school to observe school operations and interview various stakeholders. The Visiting Team then made their recommendation to Middle States where we will then undergo a multilevel review by some of the best educators in the field before getting final approval.

I am happy to announce that the MSA Visiting Team is recommending full reaccreditation of the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

I want to personally thank everyone who helped with this process. I am so fortunate to have great people working alongside me. Our community came together and showed the Visiting Team that we are indeed proud to say…..We Are Mount Carmel!!! Go Warriors!!!!


Ms Barbara Verdonck
