“Catholic moments.” That is how Bill Angresano and his wife, Maggie, describe the many memorable moments at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Bill and Maggie met in the restaurant business.  As they got to know each other, they realized that Bill went to school with Maggie’s sister at St. Cecilia’s.  “I loved the school but not sure how they got me,” Bill laughs. But, the Holy Spirit was working and those Catholic moments culminated in their wedding day. Bill and Maggie were married in 1988.

The family was blessed with the birth of their daughter, Gabrielle, in 1994. Gabrielle joined Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, as it was known then, and quickly the Angresanos began serving and volunteering, even more than they already were as involved parishioners.

The Angresano Family

In fact, almost every aspect of OLMC has been enriched with the caring touch of the Angresano family. Our beautiful sanctuary, gold-leafed by Bill, and his involvement in setting up our beautiful crèche for the Advent and Christmas seasons; Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW), that both Bill and Maggie devote time to; our current Confirmation program and alumni programs, led by Gabrielle.  Service inspires more service. Think of all those Catholic moments when the Spirit’s fruit begets even more fruit.

Angie Bracconeri (2010 Hall of Fame Inductee) got Maggie and Bill involved in CLOW, and Gabrielle, after graduating from Fairfield University, felt so compelled to continue the tradition through a commitment of a former classmate.

“I’ve never seen OLMC to be just about academics,” Gabrielle begins. “It is a family thing. When we lost a classmate of ours, Tim Hamlett (’09), I wanted to get more involved. You realize you spend the largest portion of your time in school, in your actual life in your elementary and middle school, not your high school or college.” Gabrielle led the effort to found the Tim Hamlett Athletic Scholarship at OLMC, and continues to work with young people in our Confirmation program.

From being on the Parent Guild, volunteering as a track coach, being a Cornerstone sister involved in helping to organize many Cornerstone retreats, to a class mom, whether it’s lunch duty in the cafeteria or working the legendary OLMC Carnival, the Angresanos know that these seemingly mundane moments are fabrics that weave together a deeper connection to one another.

Bill puts it bluntly: “The Church is about people.” Maggie agrees. “OLMC is a foundation and an extension of the family, so all the children become our children. This is our faith, this is how it’s shared and grown.” Bill continues, “This is what the world doesn’t get. Catholicism is about walking your faith, rolling up your sleeves and doing something in it. You end up serving almost automatically.  You did more than you thought you could even do or wanted, and that’s the Holy Spirit moving us forward.”

Certainly, the Angresanos have enriched our parish and a new generation rolls up their sleeves and gets to work.