This summer while you are relaxing And enjoying those hot days and cold drinks….POP THE TABS!!!

The OLMC Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is asking for everyone to save those tabs and send them into school next year! The class with the most tabs at the end of the year will win a special treat!

It takes approximately 1,128 pop tabs to equal on expound. The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) Pop Tab Program typically receives between $0.40 to $0.50 per pound of pop tabs. Last year over 13 million pop tabs were collected! The RMH accepts more than just soda pop tabs. The tabs can come from energy drinks, soup cans or anything with a metallic tab.

RMH Pop Tab Program is important because it provides extra revenu that can help make up for the donations that families cannot make. To house one family at Ronald McDonald House Charities is between $100-$140 per night. That is a total of $1,157 – $1,625 a night when a 13 room house is full. RMH asks for a $10 per night room contribution from their families, but no family is turned away based on the inability to pay.

Help us support this worthy cause!!