SOS: Service on Saturday is THIS Saturday, October 9, 2021. Essential Details are below!

Registration is now closed for this family service day.

Please read all the information below!

What to know!

Please arrive at OLMC (North Parking) Lot at 9:15AM to pick up your shirt, site details, and a blessing.

If you are serving in River Edge at the Hackensack River location:


When you are told to leave you will be traveling to the following address:

Kenneth B. George Park
550 Riverside Way
River Edge, NJ 07661

If you are serving at the Interstate Palisades Park location:

Englewood Picnic Area. The only thing is that the road that leads directly to the picnic area is closed from heavy damage. All people need to enter the park from the Edgewater Henry Hudson Drive entrance in order to access Englewood and Ross Dock. After you are parked there is an easy ¼ mile walk to the worksite.

If you do not know where you are serving please email Elliot Guerra at


While Church and Academy staff will be present, as well as team leaders and park staff to help guide your family’s service experience, your children are your responsibility. Please keep an eye on young ones serving and remember you determine which activity is appropriate for your child.

Photos are great and make sure to share your service experience with others but remember, your phone and personal items are your responsibility. Don’t let your need to share on social media distract you from doing some great (and needed) work!

Remember these are worksites. You are expected to work and physical activity may be strenuous. With that said, please do not overextend yourself and please tell a staff member or team leader if you are feeling any physical danger.

Parking is limited! Please carpool and share rides if appropriate and possible.

For information on the workday, call 201-218-8956. Please call or text this number if you need anything or have any questions.

What to bring:

  • Please dress for the weather! As of this writing, the weather is forecasted to be cloudy, dry and 66 degrees. Must wear closed-toed shoes. Layers are always a good idea!
  • Sun protection. A hat or light SPF is always a good idea!
  • Bug Spray. We will be on trails and on riverbanks!
  • A mask or face covering. While we will be outside working we do not need to wear masks, though please wear a mask when outdoor social distancing is not possible. Of course do whatever is comfortable for you and your family.

What not to bring:

  • These are worksites, while sharing music through a portalable speaker is fun for the group and is allowed, please refrain from wearing personal earpieces, you need to be aware of your surroundings at all time!
  • While small snacks are OK to eat in cars, we will not have time for stopping to eat, please eat breakfast before arriving!

We will provide:

  • Water
  • Tools
  • Gloves
  • First Aid