Dear OLMC Parents,
Some of you may have noticed, on the Academy’s website and social media outlets, an ad for a virtual event that should be of interest to many as it is regarding financing and funding for college tuition.
I want to take a quick moment to suggest that all who can attend this event, try to avail themselves.  Whether your child is in pre-k or eighth grade, it is never too early to begin planning and becoming informed of your child’s academic journey and more so what it will take to fund their dreams.  This kind of personal informational presentation is more accessible now then ever before, given that we can participate via remote platform .
Please see attached flyer containing the details of an informational zoom session which the Academy’s Advisory Board Secretary,  Mr Enrique Urquiola, has helped to arrange for the benefit of our school’s families.
The Parents Guild was asked to help our families become aware of this event and I feel it could benefit many since many seem to be contemplating college earlier and sooner than ever before, given rising college tuition costs.
Again, I believe this will be a valuable experience for all attendees.  Hope to see you there!
In Carmel,

Maria Sidoti
Parents Guild