Dear OLMC Family,

As we close out November, 2018, and usher in December, we also close out one liturgical year and celebrate the beginning of a brand new liturgical cycle with the season of Advent.  Our liturgical calendar is a living, breathing cycle of events based on the life of Jesus, our Savior.  Just as Jesus’ life had its ups and downs, so too, does each living organism in our world.  OLMC, as a vibrant, alive family group, experiences the ebb and flow of life driven by the ups and downs of each of its members.  Births, deaths, sicknesses, promotions, job changes, relocations, and daily life occurrences impact the cohesiveness of our OLMC family.  Many of these ups and downs fit into the rhythm of our daily lives, but sometimes either the “ups or the downs” cause a ripple in the smoothness of our rhythm.  One such occurrence causing a ripple in our rhythm is when a teacher has to move on from OLMC, especially when it occurs during the academic year rather than at the start or finish of the year.  The ripple effect is still felt at the start or finish, but in the midst of the academic year, it’s more keenly felt by all including the teacher who must make a change due to whatever personal circumstance that is driving his/her decision.  Some years there are so few changes, the break in the rhythm is very slight and yet in other years, it seems there are so many blips in the rhythm that it becomes a bit unsettling.  We have to remind ourselves that Jesus is our guide and as such has our best interests at heart and will see us through the unsettling ripples that at times, feel more like waves than ripples.  Jesus is our navigator, our savior, our true guide and will provide us with what/who we need to accomplish our goals.  I place my trust in Jesus and know that He will show us the way.

Miss Koval, OLMC Principal

The first trimester at OLMC had a few ripples with Profe Colon Alvarez needing to be there for her family in the midst of change; Ms. Edelmann moving to a position nearer her home and then returning because it just did not fit her style; and recently Mrs. Falcicchio going out on Maternity leave.  Each of these “life ripples” have been met and smoothed out with the help of many people as well as the guidance of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Each “life ripple” has been driven by the needs of the individual teacher, his or her family and/or circumstances beyond their control.    Our second trimester will also be impacted by just such circumstances as we find that Mrs. Goldberg will be completing her time here effective December 30th to move on to another position much closer to her home, and Mrs. Zougras will be leaving us effective, January 20th in order to accompany her husband to his new Ministerial position in the South. Each of these new “life events” will require, patience and prayer as we begin the search for new members to complete our staff and provide our children with the very best educationally and spiritually.

Our search consists of an extensive and comprehensive interview process beginning with a review of resumes and an initial selection of possible candidates.  The perspective candidates then receive a background check and review of references before moving to an initial interview followed by a departmental interview.  Should the initial and the departmental interviews yield positive results, the prospective candidates are then invited to teach a demo lesson in the subject and at the grade level for which they are applying.  Following the demo lesson, follow-up interviews are held along with a further review of credentials.  This process takes time as well as thoroughness and is driven by the candidate’s availability and our OLMC schedule.  Once again, prayer and patience coupled with divine guidance is needed and relied upon.  Please know that throughout the entire process, the needs and best interests of our OLMC students is our driving force.

Thank you for your kind understanding of the “life ripples” this year at OLMC as well as for your prayers and patience.  We are very grateful to have you as family at OLMC.

May God Bless you today and always,

Miss Kelly Koval
