Ms. Jaime Kagan-Heit

As we are heading into the second month of social distancing and virtual learning there has undoubtedly been a lot of family time. For most, the extra family time, has been one of the wonderful things about our current situation but it can also pose some challenges. Having to be socially isolated and cut off from you normal daily activates is strange and can make people on edge. “Perfect harmony is not the goal. It’s really about self-awareness,” says Elaine Yarborough, a conflict resolution consultant. Everyone’s lives are stressful at the moment and we need to find ways to decompress and enjoy the little things when possible. Family meals have always been a recommended way for family bonding. Studies have shown these family meals increase academic performance and overall body, mind and spirit health. Since we are having some much more time together it can become hard to keep these meals fun and think of new things to talk about. Some ideas for keeping the meals fun are planning a theme including the cuisine and decorations, getting the kids involved in cooking and planning the menu, or getting dressed up and pretending you are eating at a fancy restaurant. Depending on the age of you kids these can be adjusted. Below are some great family conversation starters to use during these occasions –


  1. Can you guess the ingredients in the meal tonight?
  2. What did you do to help someone else today?
  3. Would you rather but a little bug or a giant elephant
  4. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
  5. If you had to eat a worm, how would you cook it
  6. What is a weird habit that you have?
  7. If you had this week to do over again, what would you do differently?
  8. Would you rather go without television or junk food for the rest of your life?
  9. If you had your human body, but the head of an animal, what animal would you pick?
  10. If money were no object, where would you like to go on vacation?
  11. Where is the most interesting place you have ever been?
  12. Would you rather swim with stingrays or explore the jungle?
  13. If you could make any vegetable against the law, which one would it be?
  14. Would you rather not hear or not see and why?
  15. Would you rather wrestle a lion or fight a shark?
  16. If you were sent to live on a space station for three months and only allowed to bring three personal items with you, what would they be?
  17. What is one favorite thing you do by yourself?
  18. What is one favorite thing you do with others?
  19. If you could read one person’s mind, whose would it be?
  20. What two things do you consider yourself to be very good at?
  21. What is your favorite smell? What memory does it remind you of?
  22. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
  23. If you could be one character from a book for a day, who would it be and why?
  24. What’s the last thing that made you laugh?
  25. Tell me about something that made you happy today.
  26. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?
  27. If you could be in the movie of your choice, what movie would you choose and what character would you play?
  28. Would you rather wear your pants backward or your shoes on the wrong feet?
  29. What does a perfect day look like to you?
  30. What do you like about you and what is the best thing about our family?

Please continue to reach out to me with any questions on concerns –