April 9, 2020

Dear OLMC Families,

Wow! 4 weeks of distance learning! I learned a lot in these 4 weeks. 

Interim Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Most importantly, I learned to really enjoy the simple things in life and to not take them for granted. I learned to truly enjoy the time with my family and the many things I can learn from them. See, it’s not all about distance learning as we think it should be – it’s learning about sharing and learning from our families. Learning to cook and clean. Learning to take care of a garden and doing laundry. Learning how to fold clothes and properly make a bed. Learning how to take care of our loved ones. Learning how to be creative with limited resources – a true entrepreneur! Learning how to take a difficult situation and make things okay again. So many real world skills can be learned. This is the time to take those classroom lessons and put them to use. That’s what it’s all about, right? Applying the skills we learned. So while we’re away from school as we may know it – we all know real learning never stops. I can attest to that as I continue to learn each and every day. We are going to be okay! Sometimes these little setbacks make us stronger and smarter.

We missed some birthday celebrations, so I like to wish a belated Happy Birthday to:

Stella and Olivia in Kindergarten, Noah and Victoria in Gr 1, Teddy in Grade 2, Julian and Robyn in grade 5 and Emily in Grade 7

And although we may not be celebrating Easter as we have done in the past, we truly have things to celebrate this season. Take time to sit with your family and list all those things we can celebrate! 

This Easter, I will remember to celebrate you, my OLMC family. On behalf of our faculty and staff, I wish you a blessed, peaceful and happy Easter. May the risen Lord shine down upon you and your families and keep watch over each of you. As Jesus rises on Easter Sunday with the renewal of our hope, we too must know we will rise again as we continue to keep our hope alive.

Be safe Warriors!!! Happy Easter!!!

Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Interim Principal