Happy Mother’s Day!

“A society without mothers would [be] a society that has lost its heart, lost the ‘feel of home.’ Because mothers, even at the worst of times, are capable of testifying to tenderness, unconditional self-sacrifice, and the strength of hope. Where there is a mother, there is unity, there is belonging.” – Pope Francis

Mother’s Day Prayer

Loving God, through Your incarnation You took on human flesh and lived among us here on earth. We beseech You, as one who has experienced the gentle touch of a loving mother, to hear our prayers for all mothers.

On this Mother’s Day, we pray for our mother, who gave us birth, and to Mary our spiritual Mother who intercedes for us. May all mothers this day glory in their children as Mary did, and rejoice always in the Lord as she beseeches us to do.

Bless especially the mothers of newborn babies. May they always mirror Your love in the care and guidance they give. Bless the mothers of teenagers. Give them wisdom and courage to lead their children to adulthood and mature Christian faith.

Grant that all mothers, especially as their children grow and leave the home for new lives, may find joy, peace and rest. May they know the joy of seeing their family prosper, and the grace of watching their families grow closer to God by living the message of the Gospel.

We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior.
