Thank You Volunteers!

Wednesday, April 20th, 2022

“I give thanks to my God always on your account for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus…” 1 Corinthians 1:4 In recognition of Volunteer Appreciation Week, […]

Happy Easter

Friday, April 15th, 2022

A Letter from the Pastor Fr. Richard Supple, O.Carm. Dear Brothers and Sisters of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, In the language of the Church’s liturgy, Easter is the great […]

Warrior Work on Display

Friday, April 15th, 2022

Next time you’re in the Main Lobby of our Academy building, make sure to check out some of the amazing and hands-on work the Warriors have been up to. Students […]

Student Run Theater!

Friday, April 15th, 2022

Did you know that the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s Odyssey Theater is completely student run! From sets, to lights to our music director, our upcoming spring production […]

Track Registration Now Open!

Friday, April 15th, 2022

Click HERE for Track Registration  FORM Now Open! OLMC Athletic Director, Coach Chris will be in the Academy lobby next Tuesday from 5pm to 6pm to take registrations.  Also, those […]

And the winners are…

Friday, April 15th, 2022

Thank you so much for supporting all our Warriors with our annual 50/50 raffle and our Easter Challenge Raffle! The winners of the 50/50 are: 3rd Prize: Samkeliso Simbanda Soong Family […]

Recycled Art!

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

The Academy students are finding some creative (and beautiful) ways to reuse, reduce and recycle! After an Academy-wide call for bottle tops, Ms. De Santis and the Warrior artists of […]

Prepping for Easter

Monday, April 11th, 2022

The students in Pre Kindergarten are gearing up for Easter by creating some beautiful hand-made items. Whether it is celebrating Holy Week or decorating some unique Easter eggs, our smallest […]

Holy Week Schedule

Monday, April 11th, 2022

We invite our Academy family to worship with us this Holy Week. Please click on the images below for Mass and event times. The Easter Triduum begins with the Mass […]

Sweet Science

Sunday, April 10th, 2022

The students in Grade 3 enjoyed a delicious lesson, learning about the phases of the moon using… cookies! Check out the photos below!