Grade 8 Heads to the MOMA

Saturday, March 18th, 2023

The students of Grade 8 traveled to New York City to the famed Museum of Modern Art as part of their reading curriculum learning about “narratives through art.” Check out […]

Pre K 4 Explores the Rainbow!

Saturday, March 18th, 2023

Pre-Kindergarten 4 got busy making rainbows out of fruit loops and marshmallows! The students learned about colors, shapes and Irish folk tales and more importantly… they tasted delicious!

3 Is the Magic Number!

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

To end our week long celebration – Read Across America- students in third grade read the ‘The True Story of the Three Little Pigs” to our PreK 3 students! A […]

Lenten Rice Bowl Project Returns

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

As part of our Lenten observance with its mandate to pray, fast and give alms, the students of Our Lady of Mount Carmel are participating in Catholic Relief Services’ Operation […]

We’re Authors!

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

6th Grade published an exclusive book. The book contains original mystery short stories that they wrote in their LA class. We had a signing party. Congratulations to The Mysterious 6th […]

Black Belt in Recorder!

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Ms Keitel is pleased to announce our first student to earn a Black Belt in Recorder Karate! We congratulate this Grade 4 Warrior for being the very first student at […]

OLMC on a Mindset Mission!

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Hello, As you know we recently hosted an all school event called NED’s Mindset Mission. We trust your student was encouraged by the show which taught about having a positive […]

Wacky Wednesday!

Thursday, March 2nd, 2023

The students in kindergarten celebrated Wacky Wednesday as part of the week-long celebration of reading inspired by Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Check it out!