The Academy announces that Mr. G’s beloved cat, Carol will now be the new mascot of the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! The Academy board, Miss Koval and all the staff unanimously voted over the weekend to replace the OLMC Warriors with the OLMC Carols. When told of the news Mr. G started crying tears of joy. “I somehow always knew this day would come. I’m so proud of her.” Beginning April 9, 2018  when the students return to classes, the school colors will change from navy blue and gold to black and some sort of orange color. Eighth Grade homeroom teacher Mr. Martin couldn’t be happier. “I know I throw a lot of shade around but if we look at the spectrum, Carol has a far (fur) darker sense of humor, I’ve never been prouder to be a teacher than this moment.” Mrs. Essman, fourth grade homeroom teacher said, “I hope this trend continues, the student council and I are trying to get Carol to run for OLMC president! It’ll be Purr-fect!” Though obviously tremendous news, not all the faculty are excited. “This is ridiculous” Mrs. Mundy, Pre-Kindergarten 4 Aide said. “I love Carol as much as the next person but now we can only play with cat toys in AfterCare? You’ve cat to be kitten me right meow!” When asked for comment, Carol stared silently at a bird outside of her window, scratched at a box of temptation cat treats, and ran after the elusive light of a laser pointer. The position of school mascot may be daunting for some pets, but Carol shows no fear in the face of such a challenge. Just before curling up for her daily 8 hour nap she swatted at a few pieces of ribbon as if to say, “with great power comes great responsibility.” A town parade is being planned and also…April Fools!

Enjoy the Spring Recess!