NJDOT invites you to participate in the 2022 International Aviation Art Contest. This annual event is an initiative to engage students and to challenge young people to illustrate the importance of aviation through art. The theme for this year is “Design Your Perfect Aircraft”. Is it a glider, a jet, helicopter, or a hot air balloon? What would power it through the sky? Would it be big or small? What special features would make pilots and passengers excited to be in the air? It is the hope that the youngsters will be inspired by the ‘behind the scenes’ work of aviation industry specialists.

If you have an eligible student, between the ages of 6 and 17, attending a school in New Jersey, all entries must have a completed Certificate of Authenticity affixed to the back (available on the brochure). Please be certain that all information is included on the form. Entries with incomplete information will be disqualified. Required fields are designated with an asterisk and must include the Student’s Age, Date of Birth, and Signature of Parent or Teacher.

We are looking forward to another successful contest this year. All entries must be postmarked no later than Monday, January 10th, 2022.

Read the letter from the New Jersey Department of Transportation HERE.

Check out this year’s brochure HERE.