Dear Parents:

Welcome back to the 2023-2034 school year!  As September comes to an end, we have seen an increased number in nurse office visits and absences due to: Excessive coughing, congestion, colds, gastroenteritis and Strep. As we enter the cold and flu season, we must also keep in mind that Covid is still around. We need to protect our students and staff, from illnesses, as best as possible. Please keep your child home if they have the following symptoms: 

Fever over 100.4
Persistent or barking cough &/or congestion
Trouble breathing/shortness of breath

Any type of extreme pain/body aches
Eye discharge, crusting around eye(s) or redness
Unusual/unexplained rash
**************Any of these symptoms will require your child to be picked up**************
-In order to return to school the student must be fever free, Without use of fever reducing medications for 24h. 
-If a student is sent home with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea they cannot return to school for 24h and they must be symptom free upon return.
-If a student reports they have used the bathroom and have had an episode of diarrhea or vomiting, they will need to be picked up.
-Students who have missed 3 or more consecutive days of school will need a Dr s note to return to school.
-Parents will be notified via note home or phone call, if a student has visited the office 2 or more times in 1 day. Example: Student without a fever, but has unrelieved stomachaches, headache, sore throat, allergy symptoms or “not feeling well.”
-If you haven’t already done so, please complete and return an emergency information card. In the event of an emergency, we can have your contacts readily available.
-Please feel free to reach out to the nurse with any questions 2015676491 or email at
We can all work together to keep our school community as safe and healthy as possible!
Nurse Liesl