Dear Families and Friends of the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,

This June the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel will once again proudly graduate a class filled with young, eager servant leaders, as we’ve done for our 138 year history. This late spring finds us yet again joyful and a little sad to say goodbye to yet again another class of proud Warriors, my first as principal of the Academy. As we approach the end of the academic year I would like to announce some staff changes that will occur after the current academic school year ends. It is with a bittersweet heart that we announce the following staff changes to you.

Mrs. Eileen Heffernan, our beloved Kindergarten teacher, has decided to retire after 11 years at the Academy and over 20 years in Catholic education.We wish her all the best with great gratitude for our years of service to our community.

Our Academy nurse, Ms. Terri Silvestri, will be moving on as she is moving out of state to help care for her parents. Terri’s been a great asset these past years as a nurse and as a parent for over a decade, as her children are proud graduates of OLMC. We wish her well.

Our Spanish teacher, Mrs. Ericka Benecourt, will be moving to Princeton with her husband. We thank Mrs. Benecourt for reinvigorating the Spanish curriculum and for her two years of service to the community and wish her much success.

The summer season brings so many new changes to a school and I look forward to sharing with you more news as it develops. Again, as we look forward together with our soon-to-be graduates, we also look back to say “thank you” to all those who have served us. May Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Patroness, continue to be our model of service and love.

In Carmel,

Miss Kelly Koval

Principal, Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel