Ms. Barbara Verdonck, Principal

As you know, each morning at Convocation we speak about our school community and also about helping out our fellow Warriors. Helping each other is just another way to build our OLMC community. From the beginning of the year until now, I have seen many students step up and embrace these values.

This year, we are fortunate to have some of our students be the recipients of the 1st annual Paul C Hamel, Jr Scholarship Award in recognition of Acts of Kindness. Through the kindness and generosity of the Hamel and Triolo families, three annual $1000 scholarships will be awarded to OLMC students.

Kindness is one of the most powerful actions in the world. In the letter to the Ephesians we read….“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and slander be put away from you along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.

At convocation, each day we say…Turn to another person and say “I love you” “I’ve got your back”….”You better have my back”…and “Let’s be Warriors today” just another way to show compassion for our fellow Warriors.

Some of our students have really taken this to heart and have been true to themselves and to their fellow students. The 3 scholarships, each $1000, will be applied to next year’s tuition. They will be awarded to one student from grades kindergarten to grade 2, one student from grades 3 – 5 and one student from grade 6-7. Students have been nominated by the faculty and staff at the Academy. The award is given to those students who always exemplify a caring attitude as well as making other students feel welcome, valued and respected.

This scholarship is donated in the memory of Paul C Hamel, Jr, who always showed kindness and respect towards everyone he met.

This year, the recipients of the Paul C Hamel Jr Scholarships are:

Kdg – 2   Valentina

3 – 5    Luca

6-7      Brayden

On behalf of our OLMC community, I thank the family members of the Hamel and Triolo family for their kindness and generosity and their continued support and commitment to our OLMC community.

Go Warriors!

Ms. Barbara Verdonck
