Art is back at OLMC! I can’t wait to begin creating with all of you.
ALL OLMC students must bring a smock or oversized t-shirt for art class. This is to protect their uniforms. If they do not have one on a day where we will be painting or using messy materials, they will not be allowed to participate and that will be reflected in their classwork grade for art. They should have their smock in school no later than 9/18.
Also, in grades 6-8, all students will be required to have an art sketchbook. These have already been purchased for them. All grade 6-8 students need to bring $5 (cash or check made out to OLMC in an envelope marked with the student’s name and ART SKETCHBOOK) in order to receive their sketchbook from me.They should turn the money into their homeroom teacher or the main office. This should be done no later than 9/18 as we will begin using the sketchbooks. If they do not bring their money for the book they will be unable to complete classwork and their grade will be lowered.
Thank you for your cooperation and help with these requirements.
Looking forward to an art filled year,
Mrs. Menake