Dear Parents,

Ms. Barbara Verdonck, Principal

As you know, Ms. Edelmann, our science teacher, will be leaving OLMC. Unfortunately, as of today, I have not been able to secure a new hire to replace her. Therefore, we must put Plan B into place. After much thought, to best meet the needs of our students, the following changes will take place starting Monday, November 14, 2022.

Middle School: Science (Grades 6, 7, 8) – Mrs. Cintron

STEM (Grades 6, 7, 8) – Mrs. O’Farrill

All other subject areas will stay the same.

Grade 6B Homeroom will join the 6A Homeroom – Mrs. Essman

Grade5: Reading, Language Arts, Science, SEL – Mrs. Cintron

Religion – Mr. Guerra

Math – Mrs. Izzard

Social Studies – Mrs. Essman

The 5th grade classroom will move to the Middle School side of the building. The class will not move from room to room as the middle school students do, but will remain self-contained and the teachers will go to their classroom for each subject area. Every time something changes, we grow and learn new things. It is our hope that all students will benefit from these changes and this will help our grade 5 students in their transition to middle school next year.If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Sincerely, Ms Verdonck