Dear OLMC Families,

It is our privilege to say “thank you” to all of America’s veterans, to let them know that we appreciate them for their service and honor them for their sacrifices. The price of freedom is high and we cannot afford to forget those willing to pay it. We celebrate America’s veterans for keeping this Nation “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

On Friday, November 11, 2022, we will be honoring our Veterans and all those who serve today with a special Veterans Day ceremony which will take place after our monthly mass. All families are invited to join us for mass at 1:00 pm and then participate in our ceremony immediately following.

If you know of a loved one who served in the armed forces or someone who is currently serving, please send the name of the service person, the branch of service, and war or conflict served (if any) to Mrs. Walsh ( no later than Friday, November 4, 2022.

We will add their name to our “Wall of Honor” and after our mass, we will place a flag on the grounds outside the church in honor/memory of each person named.

God Bless America!

Ms Verdonck
