Dear Families,

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

On August 15, 2022, Governor Murphy signed Executive Order (EO) 302, rescinding previous E0253. You may recall that E0253 required all workers, including volunteers, in schools to submit proof of vaccination or a weekly negative Covid test. E0302 removes this requirement effective immediately. Please note that the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese will no longer require their employees or volunteers to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination or negative Covid-19 tests.

OLMC will continue to report information to the Department of Health using the COVID-19 SIC Module, as set forth in Executive Directive 21-011. This is the reporting module that schools have been using since last year.

E0302 was signed after new guidance was issued on August 11, 2022, by the CDC. In this guidance, the CDC:

  • Removed the recommendation to cohort
  • Changed recommendation to conduct screening testing to focus on high-risk activities

during high COVID-19 Community Level or in response to an outbreak

  • Removed the recommendation to quarantine, except in high-risk congregate settings
  • Removed information about Test to Stay
  • Added detailed information on when to wear a mask, managing cases and exposures,

and responding to outbreaks

Accordingly, schools do not need to conduct daily screenings for students and staff, assign cohorts, conduct screening testing, or quarantine exposed individuals. Anyone who wishes to wear a mask may do so. Schools may require that masks be worn in certain situations. This is at the discretion of each location. OLMC will continue to implement good infectious disease protocols, including: isolation of individuals who are symptomatic, ensuring good ventilation, encouraging hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, and thorough cleaning practices.

Awareness of COVID-19 Community levels and regular communication with the local health department remain important. As noted previously, COVID-19 information is to be reported in the Dept. of Health COVID-19 SIC Module. OLMC will continue to report cases to our local health department, especially as changes occur in the COVID-19 Community level.

I ask that you continue to keep us updated on any COVID cases in our school community so that we can take the proper precautions.


Ms Verdonck