August 2022

Dear Parents, Students, and Faculty of the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

As I sit at my desk preparing to write this letter, I am in awe that this will be the beginning of my fourth year as your Academy principal. My first three years were definitely not what I had expected as all three years we were tested with the results of COVID-19. Still, we came out strong due to our commitment to our children and our ability to communicate with each other. I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of serving as your leader of this distinguished institution and I thank God every day for this privilege. I continue to be thrilled and motivated to serve as this integral part of a very special school.

I hope you all have been enjoying these summer months and have had some time for some much needed rest and relaxation. While you continue to enjoy these next few weeks, we are preparing to welcome you all back as well as our many new families. This preparation entails strengthening our already strong Catholic values, maintaining our high academic standards and enhancing our Reading and SEL curriculum. Stressing differentiated instruction is a priority as we work to get the best out of each and every child. We have ambitious plans and goals for the coming academic year and it is my sincere hope that everyone will be able to embrace and work together toward full achievement.

The building updates are well underway and I am confident you will find the improvements to your liking. We have added more security with an alarm system on doors leading out of the building. Our Middle School will now be using Chromebooks for their academic work and through your generosity in purchasing books through our Book Fairs, we have added books to our Middle School Library as well as books, rugs and seating for our Book Nook. We have also added Accelerated Readers for Grades 1 – 5. Your support of our Read-a-thon has given us the opportunity to add more books and resources to our current reading program.

Please visit our website and read our updated Parent/Student Handbook located under the Resources tab. (Click HERE). The forms at the end of the document need to be signed and returned no later than September 9, 2022. The forms can be signed digitally. A link will be sent home in late August to access the digital forms. The forms can also be found on the Resource page of our website. (Click HERE.)

I cannot repeat often enough how excited I am to continue this journey with you. Enjoy the remaining summer days and nights. See you soon!!!


Ms Barbara Verdonck