Good evening OLMC Families:

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

The New Jersey Department of Health has released updated guidelines related to Covid-19 policies in school settings. Attached you can find a chart outlining quarantine guidelines for OLMC.

We still need to report positive cases and close contact exposures, so I ask you to continue to report COVID-related matters to me so we can determine quarantine status.

One of the most difficult issues is in regards to exposures at home. The standard quarantine length has been reduced to 5 days symptom-free, but that does not necessarily apply to household situations where there is a positive case. There may not be a way for an individual to effectively isolate.  If a member of your household has tested positive for Covid-19 and your child has not been able to isolate and mask from all other members of the household, quarantine length can be extended to 10 days.

Once again, I ask for your cooperation in being honest and upfront with reporting any positive cases and/or exposures. Communication is key.

I thank you for your continued support as we work to keep our OLMC family safe and our school open for in-person learning!!

I will continue to keep you posted as guidelines/protocols change.

Stay Safe Warriors!

Ms Verdonck

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