January 7, 2022

Good morning OLMC Families:

Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Barring any unforeseen changes, students will return to the building for a full-day session beginning Monday, January 10, 2022. After Care will resume on Monday, January 10th with additional supervision and the increased vigilance of safety protocols.

Thankfully there have been no outbreaks of the virus in our classrooms, but with high case levels in our area and community, we feel it is necessary to reiterate the importance of our existing policies and procedures related to Covid-19 and also provide updates to others.

Covid Quarantine Period Remains 10 days: On 12/27/2021, the CDC announced a Recommended Isolation and Quarantine Period for General Population that shortened the recommended time for isolation and quarantine. It is important to note that this guidance does NOT currently apply to school settings. The CDC is updating guidance for schools and other specific settings to consider how updated isolation and quarantine time frames should be applied in these locations. Once the CDC guidance for schools is released, the NJ Department of Health will review and/or update NJ guidance for schools.

Lunch: To increase safety measures, we have adjusted our lunch schedules and locations. Along with the auditorium, we will also be using the Titus Room, Makerspace, and the gym as “lunchrooms” so there are fewer students in one location. School lunch will be in effect if you previously ordered lunch for your child. Students will be instructed to quietly eat their lunch and put their masks back on when they are finished eating so they can safely interact with continued social distancing.

Masks: New information has become available about the importance of the type of masks we are wearing. All students should be wearing a mask that completely covers their nose and mouth. Please make sure that you are sending your child in with a clean and properly fitted mask. It is recommended that you use N-95, KN-95, or surgical-grade masks.

Travel: For those that travel and are unvaccinated, stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel, even if you test negative at 3-5 days. Proof of a negative test result is required to return to school. If you don’t get tested, stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel. I am counting on you to be honest about any travel plans.

Vaccination Cards: Although optional, if you have chosen to have your child vaccinated against Covid-19, I ask that you please send a copy of their vaccination card directly to me (bverdonck@nullacademyolmc.org) after your child is fully vaccinated. This status may have an impact on your child’s need to quarantine going forward.

Reporting Cases & Testing: One of the most important tools we have to combat the spread of Covid-19 is prompt reporting of positive cases or exposures. It is essential that you keep your child home when they are sick. Please report any positive covid results directly to me. If there is a reported case in your child’s class you will be notified via email. If your child was directly impacted by close contact and needs to quarantine, you will receive a separate email or call from me. We will continue to work with our local Board of Health to get updates on positive cases and if any student/class needs to quarantine.

Remote Learning: Remote learning will be available for students who test positive or for those unvaccinated students with a positive close contact. If a student falls under one of these categories, please notify the school office immediately. All remote learning decisions are guided by the Bergen County Department of Health, the Archdiocesan Schools Office, and/or the OLMC protocols. Each situation will be reviewed by the OLMC administrative team and the school nurse.

Home Testing Kits: Thank you to those parents who responded to my email and were able to give me contact information so we could purchase some COVID home testing kits. Also, thank you to an OLMC parish member who donated some kits to the school as well. This is just one more way our school family has worked together!!!

*All above information is subject to change as needed and/or required.

I like to personally thank the parents who provided support, encouragement, and professional guidance to help us get through this most difficult time. Our commitment to providing your children with the best possible learning environment has not changed. We have gotten through these last two years successfully due to the outstanding communication, flexibility, and sacrifices of all the members of our OLMC community.

Stay safe Warriors! Have a great weekend!

Ms. Verdonck