Our Academy wide performance of Robin Hood is on its way Friday, April 15, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.! All students should report to their classrooms in costume at 6:15 p.m.  There will be no after school or evening rehearsals for grades Pre K3-Fourth Grade. All students have received at least one speaking line or the class will sing a song. The Academy will provide props and scenery but all makeup and costumes are to be provided by the actors’ families. A guide is below; please ask your child for particulars. Please do not spend too much money; costumes can always be made at home with small tweaks and a little creativity! A letter with visual examples was sent home on April 8, 2016!

Costume Guide

(examples below)

Pre K 3 and Pre K 4 – 4th Grade – All students are playing medieval peasants, so just a long shirt, any color, over dark tight pants, dark shoes, with a belt or piece of fabric around the waist will do. Bonnets or appropriate hats are great too.


1st Grade – Should wear the same as above, but if possible, black and white, maybe stripes, as they are prisoners!

Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw hero, who steals from the rich to save the poor with his band of Merry Men in the vast Sherwood forest is back in an all new adventure penned by Kathy Stout and Elliot Guerra. Based on Roger Lancelyn Green’s classic The Adventures of Robin Hood, the spring comedy is sure to pack some big laughs, smiles and excitement. This year’s theatrical season, Ghosts and Rogues: The 2015-2016 season concludes their main stage shows with this awesome adventure!