The Academy continues to pray for our beloved deceased and we continued to add names during the novena (9 days of prayer) for all souls. We remember and honor our loved ones listed below.

A handmade “prayer chain” with the names of our beloved families.

Remember Lord, those who have died and have gone before us marked with the sigh of faith – especially those for whom we now pray:

Eddie Diaz

Ricardo Arango Jr.

Elsa Valdivieso

Douglas Gonzalez

Alicia Valdivieso

Olga Macay

Ricardo Arango Sr.

Marie Scardigno

Rose Pullano

Joseph Pullano

John Verdonck

Claire Bacolo

Philip and Simone Jarvis-Shubrick

Thelma Vega

Augusto Jr Vega

Alexander Vega

John Tomassi

Sonny Grogan

Diane Bacolo

Blanca and Fabian Armilla

Francisca Penny

Chan Siok Cum

Co Chiao

Karen Lovelace

Jane Guerra

Fr. Leonard J. Gilman, O.Carm.

George Soldo

Marcelina Gonzalez

Enrique Gonzalez

Jorge Aviles

Mercedes Aviles

Maria Cadre

Jose Cadre

Young-il Kim

Patrick and Dolores Kiernan

William and Mary Walsh

Jesus Antonio Canaveral

Aura Tamayo Chica

Marie Monaco

Lucy Colona

Anne Smith

Maria Sarreal

Constantino Sarreal

Esmeraldo Sarreal

Annaliza Paredes

Victor Ty Sr.

John Magac pronounced (may-jack)

Elena VanPoznak

Louis Morelli

Tina Morelli

Agnes and Vincent Moncello

Vito Moncello

Mirta Cuan

Hun Hong

Francis McCusker

Lola Gomez

Luis A. Gomez

Alvaro Ramirez

Sergio Ramirez

Margaret Gordon

Pearl Forrester

Arlo Milsap

Rita Mae Price Milsap

SUN Wanshun

LU Liang

LI Shizhong


Heinz Neidl

Maria Eguiguren

Thomas Neidl

Elvia Prada

Dr. Edward and Miriam Bamonte

Jack and Carrick Wong

Bruce Baldwin

Maria & Pedro O’Farrill

Edgar and Frances Edelmann

Edward and Grace Frankstone

Rafael Moricete, Sr.

Dorothy Mecka

Felix Bardinas Sr.

Joseph Castaldo Jr.

Lauren LoConte

Joong Jip Lee

Bok Hee Hwang

James Becker

Elena Vanpoznak

Anello and Norma Scannapeco

Angela Scannapeco

Jeffrey Gomez

Moises & Juana Chalco

Maria Alegre

Maximilian Reyes

John and Sophie Roethel

William Roethel

Robert and Evelyn Mouracade

Gladys and Fred Schroeder

Bill and Dorothy Izzard

Sister Marie Secour

Luis Ugarte

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Asencio

Dr. and Mrs.  Gaspare Salvia

Mary and John Donahue

Rose and Pasquale Palumbo

Evelyn and Nicholas Cardo

Carol Perello

Arlene Sinnett

Richard VanCleft

Kathy Grillo

Terry Devine

Jean and Phillip Perello

Arthur Flynn

Mercedes Rodriguez

Saul Field

Kevin McCarthy

Jake Ottersted

Lauren Osmers

Marguerite Osmers

Connor Walsh

Rodrigo Tobon

Rosa Botero

Thomas Nyfenger

Rose Marie Meyers

Liz Sherwin

Betty Sherwin

Mirta Cuan

Madximiliano de Jesus Bedoya

Jerzy Odon Wos

Michael Madejski

Irena and Janusz Przyluski

Jozef Pawlik

Eugeniusz Pawlik

Aleksander and Antonina Ustinow

Pawel and Anna Wos

Anna and Walenty Pawlik

Zofia and Ignacy Mysliwiec

Joseph Cerami

Harry Pottinger

Raquel Pottinger

Opal Pottinger

Jenner Zetrenne

May these and all who sleep with Christ find in your presence light, happiness and peace. We ask this in your name. Amen

Our Lady of Mount Carmel….pray for us

Mary, Our Good Mother…..pray for us

And let us remember… pray for each other