Hello OLMC Family,

April Lunch orders are due March 31st.  

Please support our lunch program and small family-owned food vendor!!


Cancellations allowed until the day before lunch service.  A maximum of 10 cancellations allowed for the school

The cancellation policy was intended for cases of Covid-19 or extended absences due to illness.  You are welcome to come to the school to pick-up your child’s lunch for an individual day of absence.  The lunch will be kept for no more than 2 days in the school refrigerator. Meals that have been prepared and delivered can not be refunded.

Per our contract, lunches are to be ordered 1 month in advance.

Our vendor has been kind enough to try and accommodate last minute orders.  However, please try to place orders several days in advance so they may plan appropriately.

To place Lunch orders, please follow these steps:

  1. Log onto: https://expressgourmet2go.com/
  2. Create an account (click on the person icon on the top right)
  3. Place your selections of meals
  4. Please include the child’s name, grade,and teacher’s name (Click on the bag icon top right and you will see your order and a white box where you can enter this information)
  5. Check Out
  6. Bypass the Express pay. Click on Continue to payment.
  7. Fill out your payment info. Then click on Pay Now

Any further questions please contact Chef Linsey at 201-951-0049 or jvymejia@nullgmail.com