Dear Parents/Guardians,

We have been busy working on getting re-accredited from the Middle States Association (MSA) since September of 2019. This is a long and tedious process, but well worth all the time and effort that will eventually benefit our school community.

Accreditation is a self-evaluation process that schools and school systems voluntarily use to demonstrate they are meeting a defined set of research-based performance standards. The standards examine schools in a holistic way, supplementing student-testing data to provide a more complete measure of a school’s performance and chart a strategic and realistic course for continuous school improvement.

How does the accreditation process work?

The process begins with a self-study conducted by the school and requires input from a coalition of school leaders, teachers, parents and students. Following the self-study, a team of volunteer educators from Middle States-accredited schools conducts an on-site peer review to observe school operations and interview various stakeholders. The team then makes its recommendation to Middle States, where it undergoes a multi-level review by some of the best educators in the field before being approved.

One-size does not fit all:

The Middle States Association’s accreditation process respects the individual nature and character of each school. Although it is required that all schools meet the same Standards for Accreditation, there is sufficient flexibility within the Standards and protocols so that different schools can demonstrate they meet the Standards in different ways.

The MSA Standards for Accreditation 

When it comes to evaluating schools and school systems, the Middle States Association looks at the whole school – not just test scores. Improving outcomes requires a comprehensive approach. When they assess whether a school should be accredited they look at how the school performs in 12 key areas that make up their Standards for Accreditation:


Governance and Leadership

School Improvement Planning



School Organization and Staff

Health and Safety

Educational Program

Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning

Student Services

Student Life and Activities

Information Resources

*Information taken from MSA website

I want to thank the parents, students (Grades 6 -8), faculty/staff, School Advisory Board (SAB) members, and the community members who took the time to complete the survey. We used this information to take a closer look at ourselves and to move forward with plans to improve our school community around the 12 standards of accreditation. We will publish the results of the survey within the next few weeks.

The MSA team will be visiting (virtually) our school May 10th through May 12th. During this time they will take a closer look at our school surrounding the 12 Standards of Accreditation. Besides reviewing our self-study, the team visit will include classroom visits and interviews (administration/faculty/parents/students/SAB) to aid in getting a deeper understanding and appreciation for our school community.

Our completed self study is due to MSA by mid April. I will update you as we complete the various sections of the process.

Once again, thank you for your continued support and dedication to the Academy.

Stay safe!

Ms. Verdonck



Internal Coordinators: 

Mrs. Edelmann, Mrs Izzard

Planning Team:

Fr. Anthony Armstrong, O. Carm – Carmelite Representative

Ms. Barbara Verdonck – Principal (Ex Officio)

Mrs. Dana Falcicchio – Teacher

Ms. Dominique Cornetta – Teacher

Mrs. Tracey Hulse – Teacher

Mrs. Nikki O’Farrill – Teacher

Mrs. Adriana Mysliwiec – Parent

School Advisory Board Members

Mr. Rory Solga – Parishioner