S0 this week Grade 5 celebrated their the 1,000th day of school since kindergarten! They celebrated this day by playing a game where all of the questions had the number 1,000 (such as how many days are in 1,000 weeks, how many dollars are in 1,000 quarters, and name 5 numbers that can be divided by 1,000). Then, the students first wrote about what they would do if they were given $1,000 and they were also asked to describe an invention they think will be around 1,000 years from now! Also this week, the Grade 5 participated in a virtual field trip, The Selma Montgomery Experience. During this virtual trip, we were guided through a tour of the Sullivan and Richie Jean Sherrod Jackson Museum. We also marched along with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from Selma to Montgomery understanding why the march took place, seeing and learning about many of the stops along the way, and celebrating when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the voting rights act of 1965. Afterward, the students had a chance to reflect on what they had learned and think of ways they can help fight against injustices in our society that can lead to necessary change. This program was brought to us by The Microsoft Diversity & Inclusion Programs Team.