I want to start this note by wishing all the staff and families of OLMC a Happy New Year.

My wish is for all of you to see happier and more peaceful days ahead.

Ms. Jaime Kagan-Heit

On Wednesday, January 6 2021, the country experienced another tragic event. We as a nation and democracy were put on the defense but peace, order and justice prevailed. Our world and more specifically our children are stressed and have been burdened with major life changing issues over the past many months. It has become our job as parents and educators to guide them through these uncertain and scary times. I trust by now many of your children have seen the events unfold on TV and other media outlets.

As parents, we have become experienced at listening to our children, reading their cues and most of all supporting them where they are at. As with all matters like this, we need to be age appropriate in our responses and try to provide them with a sense of safety and normalcy. It is most important to make children feel supported and loved while allowing them time to process these events. Anish Abraham, a pediatrician who specializes in adolescent health and is on the faculty at Children’s National Hospital, says that it’s important parents acknowledge something is happening right now “and that it’s disrupting for adults as well as kids.” We don’t have to have all the answers, but we should let our kids know that we understand their feeling something and that we can listen. I know all of the staff at OLMC has begun to age appropriately address any questions or concerns that have come up in the classroom and are working to make this another “teachable” moment. There is no perfect answer or way to handle this. We must not ignore these events rather allow our children and ourselves the freedom to feel, understand and be heard.

Please continue to reach out to me as a resource for you and your family – jkaganheit@nullacademyolmc.org

Resources for reference:





