December 8, 2020

Dear OLMC Families,

I hope this correspondence finds you well.

Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Just some updates and a reminder to let you know that we will return to in-school/virtual learning on Monday, December 14, 2020. If your child is an in-school learner and you wish for him/her to remain virtual for the remainder of the calendar year, please email me as soon as possible so we can adjust our class list. For safety reasons it is pertinent for us to know who is in our building at all times.

Also, out of an abundance of caution, all students will be virtual learners for one week after the Christmas break, January 4th – 8th. It is our hope to return to in-school and virtual learning on Monday, January 11, 2021. Please remember to be honest about your travel and exposures with us. We want to keep everyone safe and knowing of possible contacts is so important to making this work!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or call the school office at 201-567-6491.

Stay safe Warriors!!


Ms. Verdonck
