Let’s show warmth to those in need with our service! We have a request for new NEW blankets, masks, socks, gloves, scarves, and hats for the men and women at St. John’s Soup Kitchen in Newark, where nearly 500 people are fed every day in two shifts! What better way for us Warriors  to give to those who need it the most, especially at this time and during this difficult year.

Each grade is assigned to bring in a warm item by December 21, 2020 Please bring your donated item at the Main Lobby glass doors or the elevator. Please see the list below:

Pre-Kindergarten 3-4: Blankets

Kindergarten: Scarves

Grade 1: Masks

Grade 2: Socks

Grade 3: Gloves

Grade 4: Socks

Grade 5: Hats

Grade 6: Gloves

Grade 7: Scarves

Grade 8: Hats