Finding Gratitude This Holiday Season In The Midst Of A Pandemic

Ms. Jaime Kagan-Heit

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas / New Years quickly approaching we need to try and find gratitude and focus on the important aspects of our lives. While this year our holiday celebrations surely look different we need to remember to weave happy feelings and new traditions into whatever we do. We may not be able to physically be with our friends and family but we can try to be inventive and find new ways to continue to share the holidays. We can still find ways to gather virtually, share gifts and help those less fortunate. All of these things have been found to impact our mental health in positive ways. Research has shown that giving thanks and sharing holiday spirit with others can make everyone feel happier, increase self-esteem and improve relationships. Much of this holiday cheer can we be shared with children of all ages. Below are some ways to be festive, show gratitude and embrace the holidays –

  • Write a personalized note to a friend, family member or even a stranger
  • Pay it forward – buy the person behind you on line a cup of coffee or “adopt” a child or family and buy holiday gifts they need/want
  • Donate to your favorite charity – you can have your child pick out a cause to support by researching on the internet or pick something more local like your neighborhood library
  • Count your blessings by creating a personal or family gratitude journal – make it a habit to write in it daily or weekly and share with each other
  • Invite friends and family to a “virtual” party – you can play games, share recipes or even watch a movie together
  • Plan and participate in an outdoor food swap – everyone picks a dish to prepare, cook the food and package in disposable containers and then meet up and distribute the meal
  • Be festive – Create and put up decorations, play holiday music and watch your favorite movies

This is not how we envisioned 2020 would be but we have made it this far. We need to continue to push forward and make the best of what we have. This is the holiday season of being “together apart”. Make sure to give thanks for all you have, share the holiday spirit with others and most of all continue to love and support each other.

Please continue to reach out to me as a resource for you and your family –